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Item id: 10177

Early Crystal Stupa- Mongolia, Tang, Gandhara? From an old collection of Central Asian items (including the crystal camels I have listed). Correct surface for an old piece of carved crystal, though the condition is almost too good unless it was buried/protected away from harm. My gut feeling is that it might be out of a tomb- from somewhere, such as the part of Mongolia from the Gobi Desert in the area in which they unearthed Tang-period Tombs in the 19thC. If so, the camels could be from there too. I can't find this design (only similar). This is even though it is simple and it looks like it would be common. I'll keep searching. There are many turned crystal Stupas, but the proportions are different on each one.( 5.25"H x 2.5"D ) - 195g. Domestic shipping included. International shipping will be an additional $50

Price Range

$0 - $250
$251 - $800
$801 - $1700
$1701 - 3000
$3001 and up
For Sale
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