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Item id: 10371

15/16th century northern Thai Buddha in Royal Attire. This is a particularly wonderful example of its type. Everything from the sensitive sculpting to the deep wax casting, to the best of type 500 year old, smooth, shiny patina. It’s the kind of patina that truly grows out of the metal. It does not lay on top of it. It leans slightly to one side, which is not uncommon for these early wax cast Buddhas. It can easily be made straight with a small piece of almost anything that is slipped under the bottom of the lower side of the base. He looks great just the way he is. Spend time with the pictures-look at the face, especially. Also look at his a tire, the wonderful base, and how lifelike he is as compared to Buddhas that are cast or molded in other ways. He is a good size for this type of Buddha, most are six or 8 inches tall. I used to come across variations all the time but it’s been a long time since I’ve seen one as nice as this ( 10"H x 8"W x 4.5"D ) - 3.38lbs

Price Range

$0 - $250
$251 - $800
$801 - $1700
$1701 - 3000
$3001 and up
For Sale
15th - 16th
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