Country Group: South and Southeast Asia (Thailand, Burma, Laos, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Vietnam)
This is a very well cast Pagan era Burmese Buddha. It is a nice size at 6.5 inches high not including the custom base. The mass of the piece is larger than the height suggests. Most of the pieces of this type you see are either 18/19thC emulations, or are modern pieces made to deceive. This is the real thing. It is partially cleaned, showing the high nickel content bronze typically used in early Pagan pieces. There are remains of original gilding mixed in to the patina. The figure is missing the lower part of one leg and knee, but is otherwise in complete condition. The loss appears to have been part of the original manufacture. The smile is wonderful, and is characteristic of great Pagan art. I have had many Pagan pieces, but none of this type and quality before.
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