Country Group: South and Southeast Asia (Thailand, Burma, Laos, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Vietnam)
This is a very special pair of standing Burmese Monks that look to be 18thC or earlier. They are made of a pottery or some other material. They seem hollow with little bits rattling around inside. there are very small holes in the bottom that are part of the manufacturing process. They are extremely distinctive, and each is individually sculpted. There are small letters on the base of each one. In very good condition with no damage or repairs, although they do have what appears to be a burial patina. They each stand about 5 inches high. The bottoms are slightly rounded, so I had very simple wooden stands made for the, which are included. I've never seen any like them before. I bought them from a Burmese friend who had owned them for a very long time. He believed that they were made of Rinosaurous horn from a time long ago when Rinosaurous roamed the Burmese plains. He believed they had great power. I did not question his story out of respect,, although they look a whole lot more like a ceramic material to me.
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