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For Sale

Country Group: China, Japan and Korea

Item id: 9462

6/7th C. Absolute original RARE Museum piece!

Korean Buddha of the Future. The head is Missing.

Bronze or another early alloy. You occasionally see Gandharan stone examples of the "Pensive Buddha", but never a bronze/metal example of this subject (head or not!). I've been searching 30 years and have only found one other, and it was in the 3/4 round (in iron, and it sold for an extremely strong price- far higher than I am asking for this one-It did have a head, though)

This is perhaps the most classic of all early Korean Buddhist sculpture- -A body of 'the Buddha of the future' sitting in the European position in quiet reflection. This form first appeared in Gandhara in the third/ fourth centuries,  and migrated to China and Korea just a few centuries later. This places it in the period which I believe this sculpture comes from- 6/7th centuries, plus or minus a century or two. under high magnification, the metal and gilding look absolutely ancient. Sits 4.5" tall, 6.75 inches on its custom stand. Very rare and powerful even without its head

Price Range

$0 - $250
$251 - $800
$801 - $1700
$1701 - 3000
$3001 and up
For Sale
Other metal
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