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For Sale

Country Group: South and Southeast Asia (Thailand, Burma, Laos, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Vietnam)

Item id: 9592

Early Burmese Monk. Cast out of a lead/bronze alloy. Probably over 1,000 years old looks to be a very rare Pyu/Mon example, and likely contemporary with early Pagan. The bulbous eyes and short ears are characteristic of this early period. Cannot find comps in books- have dated it by showing it to several experts and dealers in Burmese sculpture over the past 25 years, and asking for opinions. Sits 5.25" tall, 6.75 inches on a custom Stand. Very well cast given it was cast out of a material so difficult to cast out of and to get Fine detail. True collector's piece, or item for book.

Price Range

$0 - $250
$251 - $800
$801 - $1700
$1701 - 3000
$3001 and up
For Sale
8th - 10th
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